Playground: TOP 7 games to play with friends

Playground fun : Top 7 games to play with friends

As the new school year approaches, you’ll soon be reuniting with your friends in the playground – the perfect time to let loose and have fun. To help you make the most of these moments, we’ve gathered plenty of ideas for games to play with your buddies.

Vintage games making a comeback in the schoolyard

The playground is the ideal place to revive these little wonders from the past. Get ready for a trip down memory lane!

1. Scoubidou: the playground king

You probably remember those colorful bracelets everyone proudly wore a few years ago. Well, they’re making a big comeback in the schoolyard! Easy to make and endlessly customizable, scoubidou is the perfect accessory to express your creativity during breaks.

Here’s a quick tutorial to easily make your own scoubidou :

2. Jacks : a test of skill

This ancient game puts your dexterity and concentration to the test. Organize mini jacks tournaments in the playground to see who’s the most skilled in your group !

Rules for playing jacks :

  • Equipment: Five jacks (four of the same color and one “father” of a different color).
  • Setup: Throw all five jacks on the ground.
  • Toss the father: Throw the “father” jack in the air.
  • Pick up the jacks: While the father is in the air, pick up one jack from the ground and catch the father. If successful, set the jack aside.
  • Continue the game: Toss the father again and pick up an additional jack each turn. Increase the number of jacks to pick up each round (1, 2, 3, then 4).
  • Win the game: The player who successfully completes the fourth round without dropping the father wins the game.

3. Marbles : a timeless playground classic

Who hasn’t dreamed of becoming the marble champion of the schoolyard? Bring out your collection and challenge your friends to exciting games.

Rules for Tic (a popular marbles game):

  • One player places their marble on the ground. The other players stand about 3 meters (3 big steps) away from the marble.
  • Each player takes turns throwing their marble to hit the opponent’s marble. The first to hit the other’s marble wins the game and can keep the opponent’s marble.

⚠️ Watch out for “shooters,” those big marbles that can change everything! Never throw a marble or shooter towards someone’s face !

playground games: marbles

Collection fever in the schoolyard

The playground is also the perfect place to trade and compare your treasures. Here are two collections that are all the rage:

4. Collectible trading cards

Whether it’s Pokémon cards, Magic, or any other series, collectible cards are still as popular as ever in the schoolyard. Organize trades or mini-tournaments to enjoy your breaks !

playground trading cards

Games to get moving in the playground

The schoolyard is made for moving! Here are two must-play games to burn off some energy :

5. Hide and seek: the eternal playground favorite

A great classic that never goes out of style! The schoolyard offers plenty of potential hiding spots. Remember to establish clear rules so everyone can have fun safely.

6. Red light, green light

This simple but effective game still creates as much excitement in the playground as ever. Who will be the fastest and stealthiest to reach the wall without being spotted?

Truth or dare with the Spiky app

Truth or dare definitely deserves a spot in our top 7! This game is perfect for getting to know your friends better and creating fun memories in the schoolyard.

7. Truth or dare in the playground

Playing truth or dare is very simple, but sometimes you lack inspiration or time! To make this game even more fun and easy to play, we highly recommend the Spiky truth or dare app! Once you’ve installed the app on your smartphone, you no longer need to search for ideas for challenges or questions.

The app offers a multitude of age-appropriate dares and truths, perfect for livening up your breaks in the schoolyard.

Dares and truths for all tastes

With Spiky, you have access to an incredible variety of fun challenges and intriguing questions. Whether you prefer slightly crazy dares or thought-provoking truths, you’ll always find something to spice up your truth or dare games in the playground.

The important thing is to have fun together and create memories that will last long after the bell has rung.

So, which game will you try first in your schoolyard? And don’t forget to download Spiky for even more fun truth or dare sessions!

Download the Truth or Dare app through the Apple Store for iOS Download the Truth or Dare app through the Google Play Store for Android

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