Spending time with friends is the best way to unwind after a long day or week at work. But going to a restaurant or having a drink, doing […]
We love these little games like “would you rather” or “he is a 10 but…” that we can play with family, brothers and sisters, cousins and even friends! Today we add a new one to our list: the who is most likely to questions! As always, you won’t need any equipment, practical when you want to have fun with teenagers during long family dinners, for example!
Here is a list of questions from the “Who is the most likely to” game that you can use:
And you, what are your questions Who is the most favorite? Share them in comments!
Spending time with friends is the best way to unwind after a long day or week at work. But going to a restaurant or having a drink, doing […]
Have you ever dreamed of going on vacations with friends? Whether it’s for a weekend, a complete week or sometimes for months (yes, for those who can afford […]
30 questions to ask your crush to get to know them better and create connections. From simple questions to the most intimate, break the ice and deepen your […]