Inside Out 2 : a guide to understanding puberty ? The highly anticipated release of Inside Out 2 has made quite a splash among teenagers and adults. This […]
The friendzone, or literally, the friendship zone, is a social psychology term to explain a relationship between two people. But not just any relationship! It is a one-way friendship-love relationship, of course. The friendzone is a place where you end up when you behave in a friendly way with someone you like, but who only considers you a friend. And what does that really mean? 🤔
You must have already felt romantically interested in someone, whether it was because you got along well, because you had something in common or simply because there was something special, a feeling between you. However, this does not mean that you have become a couple. The main reason is that the other person, whom you particularly value, feels close to you on a purely friendly level. Let’s see the different zones that exist and how to get out of the friendzone!
The moment when the stranger becomes an “acquaintance”, a “friend” or a “friend”. This is called the acquaintance Friendzone. When meeting someone, everyone first has this first phase, during which they will judge the person’s looks, their attitude among the people they know, we know from the start if we are physically attracted to the person or not. 😊 Then comes the phase where we get to know the person, either in a rather precipitous and intentional way in the case of a person we would already like at first sight, or in a slower and “friendly” way in the case of someone whose physique does not necessarily attract us, or whose attitude does not correspond to the personality we are looking for. This friendzone is the one present before any question.
This whole grey area is based solely on the first eye contact and the feelings that come from it. Your style of dress, your attitude, the way you speak (if you are in a group of friends)… In short, the first impression. To get out of the Friendzone, you have to get closer to the person little by little. By seeing them, talking to them more often, in short getting to know them to know if you have a chance or not. Take the information 😉
Things to do:
Bad practices to avoid:
The Decision Friendzone is when you decide where you want someone to be in your life. In which we enter into a friendship or a romantic/sexual relationship. However, this choice takes a few weeks or even months to be confirmed. Months during which we can realise several things: either the person in front is not interested, or they are not that interesting, or you want to go further with them. In these moments, it’s better to be the outclassed friend than the downgraded interesting person, obviously… Everything is still playable 😉
This second zone is the decisive moment to move from the stage of a simple acquaintance to the stage of a friend, or to the stage of a possible partner! To get out of the friendzone will be easier since the choice is not yet made between friend and lover for your crush. That’s why it’s up to you to tip the scales with these tips! 😊
Best practices for getting out of the friendzone:
What not to do :
It is characterised by the fact that your and your friends are in a platonic friendship (without feelings or evolution). Between the two of you, there is no longer any question, you are friends and may always be. It’s a bit like your best friend. (outch) You know everything about each other, even the details of your love and sexual relationships. In short, there are no ambiguities. 😊 If you’re attracted to someone, don’t put yourself in that friendzone! It’s better to disappear from their life and maybe come back at a better time than to be frozen as a friend!
All the more reason to end up in the friendzone of change. After all, it is a combination of circumstances… But it is becoming increasingly difficult to get out of the friendzone. However, all is not lost! For some people, friendships are never totally and permanently fixed. For others, it is unthinkable to be in contact with one of their exes again! 👀
Things to do to get out of the friendzone:
Bad practices to avoid:
Finally, to get out of the friendzone, you will need a lot of patience in order to proceed step by step. As you have seen, the type of friendzone, the reasons why you are in it, and the ways to get out of it, will be very different depending on your situation. And it’s not easy to seduce, because you feel like you’re playing a role and you’re afraid of being ridiculous. But in the end, there’s not much to lose… The worst that can happen is that you get a no. But you’ll get over it quickly 😉
Inside Out 2 : a guide to understanding puberty ? The highly anticipated release of Inside Out 2 has made quite a splash among teenagers and adults. This […]
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